Author Archives: Robert Marsanyi

Why won’t they release the vaccine patents?

My friend Dave Winer (haven’t actually met, but I feel like we have a conversation going) asks for a simple explanation for why the pharmas won’t release the IP for the Coronavirus vaccines to the public domain, to alleviate the shortage in supply,

It’s clear that this is needed. But my understanding of why it’s not in the companies’ interest is: the tech behind the new mRNA vaccines is potentially much more general, to be applied to all sorts of disease. It’s taken years to develop, and the COVID vaccine is just the first instance of its being (fabulously) successfully applied to a real world problem.

Companies are concerned that, by teaching anyone to make it, they’re effectively foregoing any ability to make a return from future applications of the same tech.

In Support of Richard Stallman – Introduction

False accusations were made against Richard Stallman in September 2019. They started a cascade of difamatory reactions that spread like wildfire, fueled by misquotes and misrepresentation of events in mainstream headlines, blogs, and social media that ultimately led to Stallman’s resignation from his positions at Mit and the FSF
— Read on

I signed the support letter. It’s a bit involved, making you fork and merge a text file with your name and website in it. I find Stallman provocative, thoughtful and worth listening to.

Replace the harbor bridge?

My friend Roger disses a proposal to add a walking/cycling structure to the Auckland Harbor Bridge. I think he’s right, especially since one of he points he makes is that the structure can’t handle it.

Not surprising, given its age. And what about rail? There isn’t any transit rail on the North Shore, because it has to come over the top of the harbor. Trans-harbor transit is a bus on the harbor bridge taking lanes away from commuter traffic, or a foot ferry.

Time for some Biden-style infrastructure spending? Time for a new multimodal bridge?