Author Archives: Robert Marsanyi


Transitioning old energy to new energy is like transitioning mainframes to networks of micros. In the latter case the workforce required came from the old guard who knew how computers work and could learn sand invent the new stuff required. It will be the same with energy. We need the old oil and gas and coal workers to make your new energy systems work. Imagine if all the old computer guys tried to stop the transition in computing; IBM pushed legislation to outlaw small machines or someone passed a law to restrict use of PCs in the workplace. Instead they saw what was happening and invented the PC, and enabled the new regime.

KSR on Ezra Klein

I listened to this:

while sitting out on the deck with Covid the other day, and it kicked off some many interesting tangents that I had to follow up:

  • Bruno Latour and actor-network theory as an evolution of philosophy of science away from history+theory
  • Cognitive estrangement
  • Appropriate technology
  • The Paleolithic want-list (what makes humans happy): throwing things, watching fire, the thrill generated by accomplishing something hard, esp. with a group
  • stories around a fire -> going to a movie -> watching tv and talking about it with people -> binge watching Netflix, each being a more-hollow simulacrum of the primordial experience
  • A book called “The Knowledge Machine”
  • A seminar with the Dalai Lama in Tibet

So, altogether: work out what we want from first principles (social primate implications), and use technology in a sophisticated way to achieve it.

Overall, I’m impressed again with his gentle but insistent manner in presenting what he thinks. Like his writing. He doesn’t flail.

Not surprised that this guy grew up in the milieu of the Bay Area in the 60s and 70s, and is friends with Gary Snyder. I’m starting to think of that time (and to some extent, the time I was there in the late 80s/early 90s) and place as a sort of Renaissance idea generator that’s going to be historically significant hundreds of years from now, like mediaeval Florence.

The Feds and Climate

The courts have said: no sweeping regulation re: climate from the EPA. The Congress has said: no new money for climate-related projects.

There’s still an opening here. The Congress doesn’t just deal with budget matters, they pass laws. If the law doesn’t violate the Constitution, it’s in.

So: pass a law that embodies the regulation that the administration is not permitted to write off its own bat. For example: pass a law that sets the mileage standard for cars and trucks. No new money, not in violation of the constitution.

Oh. Such a law would not pass, because Republicans won’t vote for it. So, next order of business, flip the Senate or find a way to emancipate Repubs from the tyranny of having to do as they’re told against their better judgement.

I determined that federal action on climate wasn’t possible at the start of the last Republican administration, and switched focus to state law. We’ve done a lot here (WA, CA, OR, BC) in the last six years. It won’t be enough.

The Feds and Climate

The courts have said: no sweeping regulation re: climate from the EPA. The Congress has said: no new money for climate-related projects.

There’s still an opening here. The Congress doesn’t just deal with budget matters, they pass laws. If the law doesn’t violate the Constitution, it’s in.

So: pass a law that embodies the regulation that the administration is not permitted to write off its own bat. For example: pass a law that sets the mileage standard for cars and trucks. No new money, not in violation of the constitution.

Oh. Such a law would not pass, because Republicans won’t vote for it. So, next order of business, flip the Senate or find a way to emancipate Repubs from the tyranny of having to do as they’re told against their better judgement.

I determined that federal action on climate wasn’t possible at the start of the last Republican administration, and switched focus to state law. We’ve done a lot here (WA, CA, OR, BC) in the last six years. It won’t be enough.

Sound Within Sound by Kate Molleson review – a challenge to the gatekeepers of classical music | Music books | The Guardian

This clever and compelling collection of essays sings the praises of 10 thrilling artists whose work has been excluded from the classical canon
— Read on

Looks like a good read.


The Supreme Court just said: no constitutional right to privacy, it’s up to the people’s representatives to decide what is and isn’t allowed. So, if you feel strongly about the issue, VOTE. Make it clear that you will only vote for someone who declares that abortion is a woman’s choice, regardless of the rest of their agenda.

Same with guns. If this is the issue you care about most strongly, make it clear that you will only vote for someone who will make it all but impossible to own a gun, and will go to work to put language in the constitution to make clear there is no right to own a firearm or carry one in public.

The Court is unelected. They will be there for a while. However, your State representatives can only exercise the power you give them. Of the People, by the People, for the People. These guys aren’t kings. VOTE!!


I’m noticing I have started to have a visceral reaction to reading phrases like “in order to address the problem, we must do …” or “the [govenment|business leaders|the public] must [change|fix|…]”.

The group or person to whom this imperative is addressed hasn’t done anything like what they’re being instructed to do thus far for a variety of reasons (even if, perhaps especially if, the group being addressed is “us”). Perhaps that’s because they have a vested interest in the status quo. Perhaps because they don’t see the issue the writer has identified as a problem. Perhaps they just can’t be bothered.

Whatever. A strident “must” demand isn’t going to get you where you want to go.


I hate to rag on about this again, but here it is in an article about the disparity in Covid outcomes between Australia (and New Zealand) and the US, and it locates the root cause in the culture of trust in the former countries and its lack in the latter. People ask me from time to time what the difference between NZ and the US is, and this is what I tell them. I illustrate it with the story of the stolen canoe carrier from the first weeks of my being here, and how I came to understand the problem. And so, it’s not just a cultural annoyance, it’s responsible for millions of deaths. And maybe the eventual disintegration of the society.